Hi Everyone and welcome to our second Track Group online!
This week we are going to continue to look at the life of Elijah andĀ gaining wisdom on wellbeing. Last time we looked at rest and how important it is to find rest in amongst the chaos in the world.
Elijah’s story is in the book of 1 Kings. We’ve been looking at 1 Kings 19:1-9 for the last couple of weeks. Why don’t you refresh your memory on that bit?
So Elijah is sleeping in a cave on mount Horeb and he hears God speak to him:
“Elijah, what are you doing here?”
Elijah responds (probably not in the best way) by telling God that he is on the run because he is afraid he’ll be killed. You’d think God would be cross with him… or dissapointed (so much worse!) but God responds by allowing Elijah to experience God’s own presence. Have a read of what happens…