Every month we give those fellas looking after children the chance to sit around and be with their children in the company of other dads. So while mum has a lie-in or escapes to the gym or has some much needed “me” time, the children and “dads” are playing, chatting, eating more bacon and generally putting the world into a different perspective in our church hall. The morning session is run by some of ourĀ older dads.
Most of those who come are not Sunday church goers, although their children might come in the week to our baby and toddler groups.
Pre-pandemic we got 15 to 20 dads plus kids and is a great place and time to chew over life, parenting and what’s important to YOU!
About every two months we have a Men’s Breakfast in the main hall at Christ Church Beckenham, (the hall has a door just off the church car parkĀ and half way down Fairfield Road.) It’sĀ an informal gathering of about 30 to 40 men who come to eat the best fried bacon in town and to hear a short speaker.
We get men of all ages and not all areĀ regular attenders at church on a Sunday; which we think makes for a better mornings conversation.
For further details or to be added to the mailing list, please contact Helen in the office (office@ccb.org.uk / 020 8650 3847).