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  • “I will go Lord, where you lead me. I will hold your people in my heart”, from Isaiah 6, has been my experience as CCB has taught me, nurtured me, and equipped me, to go to others within and without the church with the love of Jesus. I am now learning from my fourth vicar, and remain a learner in God’s school. CCB is a good place to do that.

    CCB Member
  • "As a newcomer to Beckenham, Christ Church has been a welcoming family! Jesus is central, Bible teaching is relevant and I have been loved and accepted.It's a warm,cosy place with comfy chairs and real coffee too!"

  • Recently saw this poster: ”Home is where we
 .. give love, laugh often, create memories, welcome friends, share stories and listen to one another”.
    It made me think that it can be the same for church. Christ Church is where I am learning to be loved and to give love through my relationship with God and my friends - despite all my human ups and downs, frustrations and fears, anger and joy, clear or muddy thinking, it is a wonderful place for me to try to be myself – we are not perfect but we can laugh, listen and share with Jesus!

  • Fifteen years ago I knew something was missing in my life. My life had fallen apart and I was looking for a way out; feeling desperate, alone and suicidal. A Christian woman I met on a 227 bus helped me get back on my feet by encouraging me to go to Church. That was ten years ago. Two years ago, we faced our worst nightmare “eviction”. I was on my knees and would not be where I am today without God. God lifted me up and gave me the strength I needed to get through that ordeal. I love Christ Church and my extended family. I have never felt so much love and support from so many. My faith is stronger now than ever before and I no longer feel alone. I have God beside me all the way.



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Mrs Sarah Poole – tel: 07708 560021 or email:

For more information on safeguarding please use the ‘Safeguarding’ link that can be found in the ‘Quick Links’ section at the foot of each page of our website.